Simple Solution for Working Capital

Having been in the SME Financing domain for a long period of time, we understand that small businesses get unfavourable terms from both suppliers and well as buyers. This causes challenges in the working capital cycle. Our unified working capital solution helps you manage your receivables as well as payables efficiently. We finance your invoices with early payments as well as provide cash towards your supplier payments so that you get extended payment period.

The Impact

FenderCap’s primary objective is the financial inclusion of small businesses as they have limited access to banking infrastructure. How does FenderCap working on the below five Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) measure its impact?

  • The clients that we support are small and medium sized businesses as well as startups. We strive to support them towards an inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
  • We encourage women led enterprises to apply for our working capital finance. Every client that we onboard, we measure the number of employees including the number of women employees.
  • No discrimination: While hiring at FenderCap, your age, sex, nationality, colour, ethnicity, disability, or your other preferences does not matter to us. We believe that by not discriminating, we are able to create equality not limited to gender. All that matters is if you are the right person for the job!
  • Products: We are concerned about the trade that we finance and the impact of those products to the environment. We do not support any business that deals with products harmful to our planet.

We are a start-up but do realize that each one of us has a responsibility to make a difference with our approach to ESG. We help small and medium sized enterprises and throughout the process, we strive our best to keep sustainability at the heart in what we do.

About Us

We are a small team of marketers, technologists, and traditional bankers with years of experience dealing with small business financing. FenderCap was started as we understand this space very well including the risks that accompany SME financing.

We are a small business just like our customers and we are not very ambitious to scale our business. We will grow organically by adding one customer at a time without any pressure to scale unsustainably. Our fundamental belief is that every business needs to strive towards profitability and neither our clients nor us needs to be an exception. If you see us spending money by participating in events or advertising, be assured that’s not us.

We are based out of Dubai and open to serving clients across Middle East and Africa.